Sleep better, Feel better!
Learn how Richard went from being restless to sleeping all the way through the night.
Infrared Light Therapy
How does Infrared Light Therapy work?
Nitric oxide is the key to the dramatic improvements that infrared light therapy provides. This short-lived gas is crucial to the health of your arteries. Infrared energy prompts the release of nitric oxide, which enhances blood flow in the immediate vicinity.
This boost in blood flow brings oxygen and nutrients to injured, aching tissues, resulting in fast healing.

What does Infrared Light Therapy treat?
Arthritis - Muscle sprains and strains - Back pain - Sciatica - Blunt trauma - Surgical incisions - Bursitis - Carpal tunnel syndrome - Tendonitis - Diabetic neuropathy Wounds- Fibromyalgia- Temporomandibular joint pain (TMJ)

Reduces inflammation and pain.
Increases circulation and the formation of new capillaries.
Increased circulation and the formation of new capillaries means the area receives more oxygen and nutrients
Increases phagocytosis, or the clean up of dead or damaged cells, including dead bacteria, helping in infection control.
Increases lymph system activity. This helps to ensure efficient clean up and detoxification without overtaxing the lymph system. Helps in prevention of lymphedema.
Stimulates the production of fibroblasts. Fibroblasts synthesizes collagen, elastin, and proteoglycans in the final healing phases.
Stimulates the production of collagen, the key protein involved in wound closure.
Causes the release of ATP, or raw cellular energy. This provides energy to the damaged and surrounding cells to do what they were designed to do – heal themselves.
High-Performance Neurofeedback
HPN, High-Performance Neurofeedback, is a type of brainwave based biofeedback that has shown clinical efficacy in addressing the symptoms of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Post-Concussive Syndrome, Anxiety, Depression, and Attention Deficit issues (AD/HD).

How does it work?
During a session, the system tracks the brainwaves (EEG, or electroencephalograph), and sends directly back to the brain tiny, imperceptible, ultra-low power signals that result in changes toward a more highly functioning brainwave pattern. In this way, the brain seems to learn new patterns of behavior and becomes de-habituated from “stuck” patterns that represent suboptimal processing, reorganizing itself naturally into a healthier and more flexible way of being.
As the brain learns to function in this more efficient manner, it becomes accustomed to this higher-functioning way of being, and the effects last longer and longer. It’s as though the brain recognizes the reflection of itself, in its own language, and makes the appropriate adjustments, forming new habits in the process. Sessions require no conscious effort on the part of the client.
A typical client perception is first relaxed (and/or sleepy), then, by the end of the session, energized. Family and friends will likely begin noticing the shift in mood and behavior in the first 1-4 sessions, often on the ride home from the first session. Behavioral changes are frequently noticed first by family, then by the client. Headache and emotional volatility are frequently first to respond.